Live casino brings the experience of playing in a land-based casino into your home by streaming real cards and professional human dealers. This allows you to enjoy the Las Vegas vibe paired with all of the benefits of online gaming. There are a few things to keep in mind before you start playing live dealer games.
The first thing to note is that you will not be able to play any live casino games without a broadband connection and a working computer. This is because the games require a live feed that needs to be transmitted in high definition. In addition, the software that runs the game will need to be able to communicate with your computer in order to process and display the results.
Another aspect to consider is the fact that live casino games are incredibly expensive to produce. In addition to the cost of setting up a studio, croupiers and camera operators need to be employed. Combined with the high running costs of the technology, this makes live casino gaming extremely costly to run. This is why the majority of live casino sites offer a restricted number of games. These include blackjack, baccarat, roulette, and poker.
Despite the high operating costs, the popularity of live casino games means that there is a strong demand for them. However, this also means that there is a great deal of pressure on casinos to make the games relevant and provide value for gamers. In order to do this, the games need to be constantly refurbished and upgraded.
In addition to upgrading the software, the technology that powers live casino games needs to be improved too. This comes in the form of an ingenious piece of hardware called a Game Control Unit (GCU). Each table has one of these devices, which is about the size of a shoe box and it’s responsible for encoding all of the video that gets streamed.
The GCU is vital because it enables two-way communication between the dealers and players. When you have a question or want to make a comment, you simply type it into the chat window on the studio monitor and your message will be displayed in the dealer’s line of sight. The dealer can then reply in the same way. In this way, you can have a conversation just as if you were in a land-based casino. This kind of interaction is a key reason why many people prefer to play live casino games.